Saturday, December 29, 2007

Grab yr Gats kids!

Boys in nursery schools should not be discouraged from playing with toy guns and other weapons, the government says.
"Although noisy for adults such imaginary games are good for their development as well as good fun"
Beverley Hughes
Children's minister.
I come from a Methodist, working class family, and was from an early age forbidden toy guns. The problem was, that every time my sisters and myslef were taken to the park, every stick we picked up was a submachine gun, rifle or pistol.
It wasn't until we started cutting our morning toast into pistol shapes and capping each others asses with our bread-based firearms that my mother finally and dispairingly capitulated..


I.:.S.:. said...

yeah i wasn't allowed to have toy soldiers either

so we made them and tanks and vehicles and things out of paper and cardboard and had great big imaginary genocidal winter wars with prisoner executions and everything. such games are good for a child's development and good fun.

Anonymous said...

Such games encourage children to eventually dress like Nazi golfers.

Anonymous said...


A late bloom for my new year's greet...

but better than never.

As for the war games, yes even us little girls too joined in once in a while (when you "trouts" would let us), though it was funner being an informant, intelligence and espionage make for fun 'waring' don't you think?

As usual...

sweeping bow

Anonymous said...

I know...

it got bad after montauk...

I meant the more pre 1940's peeping eye and smiles and a wink after a deusch tango on vinyl...

but those were the good old days.

Have a nice one Sire



happy otter said...

Hi Fade..
Ta fr yr email.Re L'espionage..I dunno, It's creeping fucks playing at espionage at the moment that are cramping my style..The shits. So its a bit of a moot point. I prefer the straight up bayonet to the face approach..More honest..More direct.
Not getting much time to blog and not really in that headspace.
Intend to maybe start a new one...Will keep my usual eye on yours tho',as ever, and will get onto sorting it (mine) soon.
Hope youre well.
Be in touch.
Pre apocalypse London.

happy otter said...

Yeah, the good old days..Dont get much chance to meet mysterious women under clocks or outside embassies nowadays..Too busy poisoning Russian diplomats.

I.:.S.:. said...

oh was he a diplomat? dissident former kgb officer, nah?

or maybe you meant someone completely different.

happy otter said...

Just a general musing, but yeah yr right..Litveninko was referred to as a "Businessman. Although he was ex KGB.
And it was Radionuclide Polonium 210, not cyanide..
Reminds me of the Angry Bigade maxim, that you can "dream up all the law and order you like , but you will be subject to our (read "someone elses")justice.
Walked past The P.O Tower today, and remembered how it looked after the brigade bombed it in the early seventies..Like Godzilla come and had took a huge f-in bite out of it.

I.:.S.:. said...

Yeah it's funny how they're making such a big deal about a few wannabe jihadis when you look at it in the light of the IRA campaign, let's say... Now they were audacious and professional... Until we've got jihadis actually firing mortars at Downing Street I'm not gonna worry too much...

And now you've got me on the subject... liquid bomb plot my f-in ass... I've looked into this now and talked to some people who know about chemistry and explosives, and there is simply no way to carry three inert liquids onto a plane and mix them to get an instant bomb...

Theoretically possible, but the mixing would have to be done slowly over a few hours with the chemical reaction spewing out noxious fumes, and cooled by (preferably dry) ice to stop it spontaneously detonating...

And so it becomes apparent most of these homegrown Islamist terror threats are hyped out of all proportion to suit someone's political ends... And the 12 or whatever suspects in that plot? Well, they're still inside, no charges, no information on the alleged charges or plot, no material evidence... But they had beards and said strange things like assalaamaleikumalawala so so so...

Anonymous said...

and who the fuck is i.:.b.:.....?

happy otter said...

That would be Indig.
I'm surprised they dont use ground to air more, if they really mean it and have the backing and theyre so fucking organised..
Also the bus bombings were exactly what the IRA did in the seventies.So bring it on you fucks..London aint scared.
It was a widely accepted fact, globally even, that GB was home to the most effective terrorism

Anonymous said...

I'm enjoying the string of information that has come out this blog post Sire...

where's my cianyde post XD

no worries...not much compared to this though

lift my cap to you both sires...


Anonymous said...


Lazy said...

Yeah, why they don't have a stronger ground-to-air capability is a good question, looks like they've either not got the backing ascribed to them or then them spies are doing their work.


Anonymous said...


anyone there?