Wednesday, September 13, 2006

F- this...............

Sick of playing to mice with nothing to say, or who talk shit then when they get it back scurry away and hide..
Yeah, computer people..
Every bit as recessive and emotionally stunted as I suspected.


Anonymous said...

You've written more and better and had more readers than most people do in their first two weeks of doing this. So say the spitting camel.

Anonymous said...

No I did not!


happy otter said...

I know YOU are not one to scurry away, Camelboy, sir, unlike the odd other commentators on this page..
Issueing spurious warnings to me about "people saying bad things on th web about me"(believe me, Im sitting here shitting myself....)and getting all hardcore on my ass then crumpling like a bitch and dissappearing when this dog bites back.