Saturday, December 29, 2007

Grab yr Gats kids!

Boys in nursery schools should not be discouraged from playing with toy guns and other weapons, the government says.
"Although noisy for adults such imaginary games are good for their development as well as good fun"
Beverley Hughes
Children's minister.
I come from a Methodist, working class family, and was from an early age forbidden toy guns. The problem was, that every time my sisters and myslef were taken to the park, every stick we picked up was a submachine gun, rifle or pistol.
It wasn't until we started cutting our morning toast into pistol shapes and capping each others asses with our bread-based firearms that my mother finally and dispairingly capitulated..

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Satori via the Jetsons

Was speaking to the good Mr T (Lazysnakes old landlord again) about the way that during the 70's "the future" was marketed to us..We would all take holidays on the Moon and zip around in jet-packs enjoying our limitless leisure time.
In fact, the only difference betwen 2007 and the 70's is the internet.
And what the fuck do I find myself DOING with the internet most of the time?
Looking up dumb-ass 70's TV programmes to watch...

Jesus wept...

Wednesday, December 05, 2007


Stop boozing and smoking.
Unthinkable yet inevitable.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

The long way back again. Again.

Emerging anew from the darkness of the tunnel I had crawled back into.
Free finally from a long overdue gestation in the foetid maw of the whore whose womb has been my tomb.
No more time submerged and weightless in that dark fremitus.
The caul is now broken.
Cold air fills my lungs once again.

Friday, November 30, 2007


Returning to health so my mind has turned to evening the score a little..
If two wrongs don't make a right then try THREE.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Still I rise! Goddammit! Who the hell else? Show thyself so that I may be at peace once more!

A review I just did for a friend. Just to show I'm still about.

Thursday, November 22, 2007


Was watching this video, when-check the interval-I realised it was made 31 years ago to the day.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Nothing to see here...Move along now...

Of virtually no interest to anyone(as is my assumption)is the fact that I am in a previously unparalelled state of self disgust and contrition..My pathetic inability to deal with my addiction has meant I now have to present myself, temporarily but wretchedly broken at the feet of a govt. agency.