Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Barbaras story.

Prob. shouldnt divulge but she is well ite of my life now, and never looks at computers.(She was never really in my life, just an acquantance) this is the story of one of the most damaged individuals I have ever met.
She is Italian, and as a teen complained of noises in her ear...Misdiagnosed as Tinnitus,(it was, in fact schizophrenia) some greaseball quack had some kind of implant put in her head..She then shortly after went to see NON/Boyd Rice (extreme industrial noise artist) in Milan which caused this implant to shift and actually resulting in permanent Tinnitus, just to go with her schizoid problems...Doctors eh? Wonderful...
She then moves to London, rents a flat, defaults on the rent so the landlord sends round four black guys to evict her...
Except they dont evict her. They hold her prisoner for five days, raping her continuously in every way imaginable. To hear her recount this tale is beyond heartbreaking.
There is no god.
Or if there is he is a CUNT.

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