Saturday, September 01, 2007

A Cornered Animal.

Give sanity a longer leash..For some of us have sharper teeeth.


Indigobusiness said...

Nobody really gives a shit, Otter. We're (us the multitudes) are just here for the belly laughs.

I sort of got that from the line you wrote in the piece here, on the war:

'...a “bad thing” is only a “bad thing” when it is happening to YOU.'

Got to say, I can't tell if you mean it when you say anti-war folks are insincere, but that's utter crap. Maybe not entirely, I suspect there are those in it for the rush alone, and they are despicable. Peacemongering is every bit as serious as warmongering. Every warrior should know that, yet even war has its dilletantes, and some don't. Not truly warriors, those.

You sure spell it out well, though, the important factors. Not sure about your analysis. Keep writing, you have a knack.

Indigobusiness said...

Even with a spell-checker screaming at me, I misspell words. How is that possible?

I meant to ask how you can be under such a virus assault? You spend a lot of time browsing Russian sites?

Teflon, a leap? Ha...

happy otter said...

Dont be a fucking mug Ind.
I care not who gives a shit.. My father taught me that what other people think about you is NOT your business..Deleteing most of this post cos its shit.

Anonymous said...

Your father gave sage advice. But come on, Otter, that's like me telling you not to be a raging maniac asshole.

You did bring it up, after all, untill you pared-down the post.

Was I being a mug? That's altogether bad, is it? I'll just lurk, and enjoy the saga. No point in commenting. Good luck.

Beware the dull knife.

happy otter said...

"Anti war"-oh god I love that phrase, I piss myself laughing internally every time I hear it- folk are more often just misguided at best, pious at worst. Comically simplistic without exception.. Like carrying a placard saying "Pain hurts.."
They are merely partially evolved in their logic.Still crawling across the mudflats with partially withered gills.....Thinking (at least 45) years behind me and in terms of a redundant and now nonsensicle precept.

Anonymous said...

Man, you really don't get it.

Maybe if you spent less time pissing yourself, and focused that laser beam mind of yours, you'd see beyond the spotlight of your own circus?

Tibetan Buddhists talk of struggling against the powerful current, to arrive at the clear pool, else winding up on the mudflats.

Antiwar is evolved beyond the selfish wanking bullshit.

happy otter said...

No, mate. You dont get it.Hasn't a few thousand years of history taught you that war, not "peace"(never existed, never will....) is truly the natural state of mans existance.
War is without question the primary motivating force of history and invention.
Can you imagine the nightmare state this planet would be in if all those killed in two world wars had children, and so on...The result would be more horriffic than any war with disease supervening in its place.Great.
Total war! Total war! to feed the beast in man once more!
To kick out Christ and bring back Thor! To dance unto the Lions roar!
Total war! Total war!
And its no surprise to me that the Bhudda is portrayed as a corpulent fucker, I'd like to smash him in his self satisfied, self rightious, amotivational face.

Indigobusiness said...

Barbara's story is s tale of war.

You exalt the puerile.

War is the hell realm of mankind's refusal to grow-up.

Buddha could teach you a thing about being a warrior, he killed when necessary.

Don't mistake the cartoons for the feature. There are lessons in man's folly. There are potentials, and manifest realities, and past ain't necessarily prologue.

happy otter said...

I DO NOT "exalt" war. I am merely realistic.
B's story has NOTHING to do with war, except in the most tenuous and semiotic sense.
This IS the feature.You must have slept through the cartoons.
4 Dont keep trying to call me peurile when you simply disagree. It cuts no ice. Your actual comment is one of the weakest you have made. You know this and that is why you resort to trying to tell me what I think.

happy otter said...

Okay, It did sound as though I was "exalting" but, as my profile says, I enjoy baiting those who find my views unacceptable.
Weak response from you though...

I.:.S.:. said...

You know I don't think the fat one is actually Buddha but some sort of attendant Santa Claus-like character. Someone told me about it once.

happy otter said...

You failed to address any of the points I made...

Anonymous said...

I'm notorious for weak response.

So, you drank the Kool-Aid, and think your rationalizations are realism.
You see War as some acceptable form of pro-active population control?
Don't trust in Nature's ability to blance herself? Better to trust the controllers, I reckon...
And you don't acknowledge this as puerile, on it's face?
War and Peace are not separate but equal Machiavellian bargains. They don't represent a true dichotomy, and
both exist at all times. Always have, and likely always will. Despite your declaration that Peace has never existed, and never will.

Peace is a principle. War a tool of manipulation. Cultive either garden, it's everyone's choice.
Which do you truly believe bears the bitter harvest?

BTW- That was i.:.s.:. ignoring your previous points, I just got here.
He's right, there are Santa Claus Buddhas, Santa Claus Christs, cartoons and features.

happy otter said...

You see War as some acceptable form of pro-active population control?
Yes, and far more constructive than thew other option which is disease. And STOP trying to tell me what I think..
Don't trust in Nature's ability to blance herself?..
Yes, and this IS nature balancing herself..
War and Peace are not separate but equal Machiavellian bargains. They don't represent a true dichotomy, and
both exist at all times. Always have, and likely always will. Despite your declaration that Peace has never existed, and never will.
True global peace is somethin that disappearred when we developed opposing thumbs (some of us..)But yeeeah..A duality at least, tho..

Bitter? Noo, sweet..Like revenge or the smell of a dead enemy.

happy otter said...

"Productive" is what I meant, not "constructive"....

Indigobusiness said...

Counterproductive and deconstructive, I'd say.

Adding insult to injury is never a smart solution.

Feeding vice is hardly a wise path, vengeance is small minded (to say the least). What is this, Lord of the Flies writ large?

And STOP telling me to STOP telling you what to think. I'm merely offering an alternate opinion. Dogmatic exchange, this, and not judgmental high-handedness. Everyone has a right to their opinion, regardless of merit.

It's my nature to pay close attention to all sincere positions, while examining and questioning everything.

happy otter said...

I'll fucking injure you then stand over your pathetic sobbing form and insult you happily, and without hesitation.
Lord of the flies concerns CHILDREN..Oh, sorry, I forgot, your typically American level of sheltered overpriviliged ("Non-profit")experiance evidently means you think of the whole world in childish terms,unable to make any differentiation between the world of the child and that of the adult...
"Lord of the flies" Ha! I could write an essay on how wrong headed that statement was..
Is that "writ large" enough for you?
Paying close attention? Try reading things properly..I said "Stop trying to tell me what I think..not what "to" think".
Examine that.

happy otter said...

Sorry..Threatening violence over the internet is pure pathos..You got me at a bad time..
But if yr ever in London, step up...

happy otter said...

And, by the way, there's nothing "dilletantish" about me...
Take a good long hard look into my still-glass-filled face and you would understand.

Indigobusiness said...

I understand more than you seem to realize.

Already copped to misspelling dilettante, though not exactly to lumping you in. Why beat that horse?

My close attention is to content, not form. Meaning is what matters, not grandiose gestures or split-hairs.

Get back with your over-privileged nonsense, it's far afield, and get back to me when your sense of humor is back in phase.

happy otter said...

Nothin wrong w my sense of humoUr.
I find you utterly comical..
Sooo earnest in the opinions (belonging to other people)you espouse..
Try thinking for yourself more and quoting less and yr blog might live up to apearrances.

happy otter said...

Oh fuck, Ind...
This is wrong..I punch first then often live to regret my blast furnace temper. And I am fully aware how destructive my pathetic childish reactions can be..As are afew people walking the streets of Londonwith savagely altered visages..
Not that there isnt truth in what I have said, Its just that Im in a place where the best of us would get vicious..Cornered.Bullied. And if I knew why It would help...But now they set the bomb ticking and its just a matter of time.
We are not and should not be enemies.
Unconditional (apart from the conditions cited above that is:-)apologies)

Indigobusiness said...

I can't unravel the conditions of your unconditional apology, but I'll accept the appropriate, whichever.

Why you keep insulting my blog is a mystery to me. My blog is not at issue. Ignore it if you don't like it, or my earnest opinions there.

You should know I'm not out to provoke you. My questions might seem more assertive declarations than I intend, but I'm always thinking my intentions are obvious. To me it's only good natured sparring, not blood lust.

Didn't I tell you I had only your best interests at heart?

You misread me.

happy otter said...

Thanks..Im just not a happy kitten at the moment.