Sunday, October 07, 2007

Kali help them..

They have tortured me long enough.
I feel like an animal in a cage that is poked with a stick every time it seeks sleep or any vestige of peace.
I am on the point of a complete breakdown of control over my actions and (already questionable) sanity. Suicide? no. They genuinely seek this end, but I guarantee that if any life is lost, it will NOT be mine.
I am a human bomb that has lain hidden deep in the clay that forms the baisin, the crucible of this city.The stillborn progeny of a Stuka that screamed me into existance...
Now what was for decades a latent, passive energy that would one day corrode into history, once again sits primed, increments away from (I cannot even add the "possible" caveat)inevitable detonation.
Those who would toy with the unstable, understand not the implications of what they have
I sit here..

Watch me.

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