Friday, August 31, 2007

"Retrograde attack strategy"

Is what the Japanese army called/ used as a euphemism for retreat, as no word for the concept exists in Japanese...
Fuck...I displayed my inbuilt and (theres a better (medical)word but I cant be f- to do the Thesaur. Thing..) peurile childish disobediance like a good 'un today... Jesus Christ wept into a bucket.
Oh well, thats me, always crossing the line...Well that was too much and feels like a juncture.



Anonymous said...

The line is crossed when the line is drawn...

(oda al ciego)

happy otter said...

Yeah, sweetie, but thats just like saying if there's no law there's no crime...

Anonymous said...


Whose and which law and crime do you speak of?

I was only referring to your "display of inbuilt"...

happy otter said...

The irrepressible urge to transgress..?