Saturday, August 25, 2007

V for Veinnetta

The following did contain a letter I was forced to write to the chair of the committee that runs the buildings where my flat is located.
This committee is a cabal of middle class female greybeard cunts who have infiltrated the management.
The vendetta continues,making my every waking hour a nightmare. She has a boyfriend who is, (presumably motivated solely by the smell of her cunt and nothing else as I have never even met the bastard) very technically literate and has managed to infiltrate my tv and computer speakers.
They have thrown shit at my washing as it dries in the garden, have directed high pitched tones into my flat, stolen from my desk through the open window as I slept, squirted glue through my letterbox, and when I check to see if they have glued my locks (Is this Karma for doing it to Barclays in my youth? Dont really think so..)Recruited some local trash who have been hanging around outside my flat..When I double back in suspicion theres more of them, and as they saunter off one of them turns and sez "lets do him anyway" (just try it..Cunt.And I will illustrate the meaning of real harm, from the source...) She, and the rest of the herd also have me down as a racist, which is crap, as everyone who knows me will tell you that I hate all races equally, with the possible exception of the whites, whom I definitely hate more than any other.
They have, through disinformation/gossip sought to turn as many of the local residents againstme, this Nazi (I mean, you can no more be a Nazi than a member of the spanish inquisition, or any other closed chapter of history)
I am absolutely staggered by the time and energy these creeps are putting into this.How boring must it be to watch my dysfunctional, obsessive compulsive, retarded life? Living it is excruciatingly dull....
And why? Was it some long-forgotten noise issue? I really have no idea what I could possibly have done to elicit such a response as to actually transcend what I thought was a fairly solid grasp of the human potential for for vicious, low,disgusting conduct...

(they watch me even now -6am)


Indigobusiness said...

In the unlikely event that you are interested in my take on your utterly beleaguered state, I'm going to risk it.

Aside from general declarations of full spectrum misanthropy, and a general besieged environment of hostility, it's hard to get a grip on the full scope of your situation...fascinating as it is. I can only imagine the galling sum of your dilemma, despite your extraordinarily lucid manner of carving it into form.

My days have seen somewhat similarly hellish living arrangements, overlords and conditions. Entirely different specifics, I'm sure, but I know the pressures you're facing. Outrage is expected. Shameless racism is a remarkable quality in the way you express it, and although I can't relate to the sort of hatred you nimbly embrace, I can't help but appreciate what you say. Even more, the way you say it.

I suspect your writing about this is a good vent, and must surely help you sort it out.

As doubtful as it is I can offer anything of practical benefit, the least I can do is encourage you to write more.

happy otter said...

I probably only felt that way fr a few minutes. They havnt the ability/I wont allow them/ REALLY inflict anything approaching "nightmare" status (the kind I've known my life) in their fucking sad litttle dreams.
Havin a bad day and it always comes out in b&w alot worse than it really is.

happy otter said...

What kind of person stands on "moral high ground", and then throws shit from it?