Saturday, December 29, 2007

Grab yr Gats kids!

Boys in nursery schools should not be discouraged from playing with toy guns and other weapons, the government says.
"Although noisy for adults such imaginary games are good for their development as well as good fun"
Beverley Hughes
Children's minister.
I come from a Methodist, working class family, and was from an early age forbidden toy guns. The problem was, that every time my sisters and myslef were taken to the park, every stick we picked up was a submachine gun, rifle or pistol.
It wasn't until we started cutting our morning toast into pistol shapes and capping each others asses with our bread-based firearms that my mother finally and dispairingly capitulated..

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Satori via the Jetsons

Was speaking to the good Mr T (Lazysnakes old landlord again) about the way that during the 70's "the future" was marketed to us..We would all take holidays on the Moon and zip around in jet-packs enjoying our limitless leisure time.
In fact, the only difference betwen 2007 and the 70's is the internet.
And what the fuck do I find myself DOING with the internet most of the time?
Looking up dumb-ass 70's TV programmes to watch...

Jesus wept...

Wednesday, December 05, 2007


Stop boozing and smoking.
Unthinkable yet inevitable.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

The long way back again. Again.

Emerging anew from the darkness of the tunnel I had crawled back into.
Free finally from a long overdue gestation in the foetid maw of the whore whose womb has been my tomb.
No more time submerged and weightless in that dark fremitus.
The caul is now broken.
Cold air fills my lungs once again.

Friday, November 30, 2007


Returning to health so my mind has turned to evening the score a little..
If two wrongs don't make a right then try THREE.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Still I rise! Goddammit! Who the hell else? Show thyself so that I may be at peace once more!

A review I just did for a friend. Just to show I'm still about.

Thursday, November 22, 2007


Was watching this video, when-check the interval-I realised it was made 31 years ago to the day.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Nothing to see here...Move along now...

Of virtually no interest to anyone(as is my assumption)is the fact that I am in a previously unparalelled state of self disgust and contrition..My pathetic inability to deal with my addiction has meant I now have to present myself, temporarily but wretchedly broken at the feet of a govt. agency.

Congressman Bud Dwyer. An American hero.

Someone who chose to face death on HIS OWN terms..Instead of years spent rotting away in a stinking cell, he chose the route of the truly heroic and spectaclular, and enriched all our lives.
An inspiration to not enough people.
An act of utter purity and of final truth in a dishonest and tainted world.
Thanks Bud.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Glory glory halleluja, you'll get what's comin to ya...

No more about the creeping scum-trash that judge,and seek to harm me...Theyre going to get their wagons fixed and, hey..It doesnt make for good blogging.
Thanks to all who stood by me and didnt just think it all the product of a horribly drug-warped mind. It wasnt.
A new day is rising..I feel strong. Stronger than ever.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

When you REALLY stare into the abyss.....

You get a fit of the giggles...

Doug P.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

God I miss my cat.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Kali help them..

They have tortured me long enough.
I feel like an animal in a cage that is poked with a stick every time it seeks sleep or any vestige of peace.
I am on the point of a complete breakdown of control over my actions and (already questionable) sanity. Suicide? no. They genuinely seek this end, but I guarantee that if any life is lost, it will NOT be mine.
I am a human bomb that has lain hidden deep in the clay that forms the baisin, the crucible of this city.The stillborn progeny of a Stuka that screamed me into existance...
Now what was for decades a latent, passive energy that would one day corrode into history, once again sits primed, increments away from (I cannot even add the "possible" caveat)inevitable detonation.
Those who would toy with the unstable, understand not the implications of what they have
I sit here..

Watch me.

A confession..

My confession:Been doing the deca-dance with the gear for a few months..The constant hell Ive been getting from my upstairs neighbours, (who have made it clear they have a camera, f- knows how, on me by delivering a running commentary via the non-existant soundproofing between our flats, on WHATEVER it is I am doing, WHEREVER I may be..) hasnt helped.
My long standing mental health issues have returned, and I expect them to try to use the information they spend ALL their time collating against me.
Even now she's/they are winding me up with whispers that come either from a speaker she dropped into the wall cavity or via the tv or computer speakers.(have to look into this..)
Now, reader, this may sound utterly schizoid but after a conversation with a tech guy from my net provider,it was explained as being utterly and emanantly possible.*
What upsets me is that I have done NOTHING whatsoever to these people that could justify their concerted attempts to ruin my life...
They are justifying it by invoking a flame job I unwisely did on some septic tank (yank)months ago.
However, if they expect shame or embarrassment on my part, they got the wrong bloke.
Started the day with a stiff dose of meth, and look upon the absolutely inescapable prospect of withdrawal with a sense of utter dread.
Also I have financially ruined myself, just to put a fucking cherry on it.
Wish me luck, I implore you.

*Addend..The tech guy at bulldog explained that my neighbours apparrant ability to gethis/her voice to come out of my tv/comp speakers is done by "cracking the freq." apparrantly..

Monday, September 24, 2007

"I have such nightmares, and you're ALL in ALL of them.. D.Tibet

This is a draft posting I did before those upstairs/I (through tech ignorance) crashed my comp...

The cold black wind blew through my bones last night...First very dopesick one for some time..I stood my ground, ignoring the gurgling of the meth djinn in the fridge trying to force his way out of the bottle and slither coldwarm into my stomach.
Blessed 9am is coming and............I hit the streets to score.
Of course, being a day when it is imperative that I score fast and w/out hass, no-one is about. I ride my mountain bike down through sheets of grey rain, past the peeling billboards on the Caledonian road, down to Kings Cross to make my connection..

Saturday, September 22, 2007


I'm NOT having the "Dont tell me dont" dog slime shit-cunt(see comments "a cornered animal")line thrown at me. Not on these pages..Thats wifebeater shit..(Take it from me, I know. And I speak from observation, not experience).

Thursday, September 20, 2007


"If I were given the opportunity to start up the next Holocaust, I would definitely have more lenient entry requirements than the Nazis."
M Moinihan

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

And suddenly the sky blew off....

.....Millions dead...(Crying) "There was nothing anyone could do.." ..

Something got to me today..Is this circus REALLY the centre of the universe? It takes exactly the same number of molecules to make up the human body as, in terms of mass, it would take human beings to make up a star...Are we really the at the centre of the vortex? Midway between the molecular and the celestial?
Oh shit.


Dont come round for me unless you got what I want.....


In girinmus nocte et consumnir igni

"We turn in circles in the night and are consumed by fire"


Seriously feel at the moment like turning on the gas jets and jumping in a Taxi to Heathrow and then on to Sao Paolo.

They have pushed the wrong person too far.

"Peace? I hate the word" Tibalt , "Romeo and Juliette"

Couple of thoughts relating to my comments debate(See "a cornered animal")with Ind the peaceful.
1. Nothing ever (really) gets done until someone is prepared to kill for it.
2. I will speak in favour of AIDS, AK 47's, Car crashes, anything that thins out the mass of potential plantfood that walks this orbiting mudball.

My personal war against those in my building who (Literally) stand on moral high ground and throw excrement at my clean laundry..

Revenge;Sweet but not fattening...

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Barbaras story.

Prob. shouldnt divulge but she is well ite of my life now, and never looks at computers.(She was never really in my life, just an acquantance) this is the story of one of the most damaged individuals I have ever met.
She is Italian, and as a teen complained of noises in her ear...Misdiagnosed as Tinnitus,(it was, in fact schizophrenia) some greaseball quack had some kind of implant put in her head..She then shortly after went to see NON/Boyd Rice (extreme industrial noise artist) in Milan which caused this implant to shift and actually resulting in permanent Tinnitus, just to go with her schizoid problems...Doctors eh? Wonderful...
She then moves to London, rents a flat, defaults on the rent so the landlord sends round four black guys to evict her...
Except they dont evict her. They hold her prisoner for five days, raping her continuously in every way imaginable. To hear her recount this tale is beyond heartbreaking.
There is no god.
Or if there is he is a CUNT.


Meth and valium only now..No weed, workin on the booze. Eating, working out a little...
I weakened myself with drugs, fool that I am, and although I should be at liberty to do so,this is the only reason the cunts upstairs managed to cause me any distress.
All change.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

"I'm back,I'm back I'm on the attack" etc etc..

Last post (toooot toot) was a clumsy attempt at the "fake it to make it" ethos.. Works sometimes...
In fact, I just got out of the loony bin (Waterlow, for those in the know), missing a 28 day section by the skin of my dick...My smart mouth saves the day again...
" There's nothing wrong with me, I'm NORMAL" (Chas..."Performance")...
Had the best dream about Paulette...She said something sooo funny ...Can't seem to remember it tho....Something about the photoshopped pic of her on her site where her cheekbones look like.... oh fuck I dunno.Just well strange...Bless
Sleep has his house.
Soundtrack: The Jam; "Down in the tube station at midnight"...Thoughts of getting mugged by skins once at Camden Town....

Monday, September 03, 2007



Saturday, September 01, 2007

A Cornered Animal.

Give sanity a longer leash..For some of us have sharper teeeth.

Friday, August 31, 2007

"Retrograde attack strategy"

Is what the Japanese army called/ used as a euphemism for retreat, as no word for the concept exists in Japanese...
Fuck...I displayed my inbuilt and (theres a better (medical)word but I cant be f- to do the Thesaur. Thing..) peurile childish disobediance like a good 'un today... Jesus Christ wept into a bucket.
Oh well, thats me, always crossing the line...Well that was too much and feels like a juncture.


Thursday, August 30, 2007

Easily pleased, seldom satisfied...

Met a hot girl yest anyway..Into deviant sex too.. For real..Wears good clothes too..
Said I'd hook up when things are a little more in order.

hoodo that voodoo

This morning it was some dumb -ass little spear chucker chanting some kind of curse at me in full veiw from the other flat involved in their ridiculous attempts at persecution. I had already put up a 3x return/protection spell so he's fucked...
Tell you th whole story (all the details) soon..

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


"Something" stoppin me from publishin yr comments..Nothin personal..

The long way back again

Started today with some metha and doing the filter collection I hid away from the house after a fuck up yest of comic proportions...I was jus doin a sml hit, but Barbara wanted rock... I capitulated and called her guy to meet me... They tell me to go outside when hes nowhere to be seen, so I'm in and out like a dogs c##k.. Then the dick delivers Brown, not White by accident, so has to return.. He also has to give me change which he forgets, calling for another return visit..
About as subtle as a nine pound hammer... This is of course, immeddiately noticed by the witch hunt, who have their mates hanging around outside (as if that would dissuade me)and a guy in a car who parks up 20 yds in front of me, then when I walk towards him to ask his business fucks off..
This mornin I think, "well fuck any pretence, I just did my filters in plain view..And threw away th trash.
Managed to cut it down way faster by reducing my gear habit drastically first, rather than some protracted methadone thing.
People are startin to say I look better ( less ugly as sin?).
Mad Barb is here.. Theres a story in itself. Very damaged.
Odin be with me.
Love under will.

Monday, August 27, 2007


I previously thought of myself as a sadistic, amoral peice of shit..But the attack made on me by these cunts is beyond me...I mean, why are these blokes, who dont even know me
prepared to participate in such a concerted campaign? Just fr th smell of narnie? (sorry girls) jesus...
Got the drug thing way more in order. Just meth tmrw..V litttle today.
Got to be strong... (although when derainged its like those women who lift cars off their kids...I have this absurd strentgh to weight ratio which when I am psychotic is multipled by a factor of 20...).

Paranoia will destroy ya...Ind, i need to ask a favour.

Postings shit at pres.. Am under seige..
Indigo, question for you as lazy is out of town, how are my neighbours upstairs able to transmit sound thru my tv /comp spkrs, block (and i think eavesdrop) my mobile and landline and even f- with my media player(ie-make it f- up) ???

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Fr F-s- sake

Jesus how many times do I have to say it to make it clear..I am not a racist. I hate all races equally, the white perhaps more.
Its just I call a spade a spade. Thats why I get shit.

V for Veinnetta

The following did contain a letter I was forced to write to the chair of the committee that runs the buildings where my flat is located.
This committee is a cabal of middle class female greybeard cunts who have infiltrated the management.
The vendetta continues,making my every waking hour a nightmare. She has a boyfriend who is, (presumably motivated solely by the smell of her cunt and nothing else as I have never even met the bastard) very technically literate and has managed to infiltrate my tv and computer speakers.
They have thrown shit at my washing as it dries in the garden, have directed high pitched tones into my flat, stolen from my desk through the open window as I slept, squirted glue through my letterbox, and when I check to see if they have glued my locks (Is this Karma for doing it to Barclays in my youth? Dont really think so..)Recruited some local trash who have been hanging around outside my flat..When I double back in suspicion theres more of them, and as they saunter off one of them turns and sez "lets do him anyway" (just try it..Cunt.And I will illustrate the meaning of real harm, from the source...) She, and the rest of the herd also have me down as a racist, which is crap, as everyone who knows me will tell you that I hate all races equally, with the possible exception of the whites, whom I definitely hate more than any other.
They have, through disinformation/gossip sought to turn as many of the local residents againstme, this Nazi (I mean, you can no more be a Nazi than a member of the spanish inquisition, or any other closed chapter of history)
I am absolutely staggered by the time and energy these creeps are putting into this.How boring must it be to watch my dysfunctional, obsessive compulsive, retarded life? Living it is excruciatingly dull....
And why? Was it some long-forgotten noise issue? I really have no idea what I could possibly have done to elicit such a response as to actually transcend what I thought was a fairly solid grasp of the human potential for for vicious, low,disgusting conduct...

(they watch me even now -6am)

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

First Impressions Count..

Its one of the basic satanic viewpoints that first impressions DO count, and that you CAN judge a book by it's cover. I always in experience found this to be true. SO, I'm gon try to do something about the rather drab visuals on my blog.
I always eschewed making the thing look like a Christmas tree ( Hi Indi. -Not saying yr blog isn't a thing of unique beauty, or that there's anything wrong with yr writing-..) 'cos it should be about the WRITING, primarily.
In disciplines such as these style can all too easily overwealm content..
Likewise this defining oneself by ones cultural preferences..A process of self definition by asosciation, in terms of others and their actions.
Thats why I have only four films, four bands, four authors etc...Some blogs have soo many favourites/links etc after a while it just detracts.

For anyone interested in my horrible condition...I'm still, as Mr. Christian on the "Bounty" would have it; "In HELL..! Sah!"...
But fuck it..
They cant kill an animated cadaver.
Cant curse the damned.
Cant send a lunatic mad.
"You can't kill kill"; Charles Manson.
"When I BECOME death, death is the seed from which I grow"; W.S.Burroughs.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

"You love it, you slag"

In the words of Crowley; "I have created for myself a discipline more savage and brutal that most could imagine or endure" so Im not going to start bleating or crying..
But I could use a female who is a well versed practitioner of the old ways..

Monday, August 13, 2007

Still living with the English fear....

Waiting for the Witch Hunt.

I am completely insane. I will never change.

The shooting stars were good last night, were they not, fellow Londoners?

I feel lethal. A human bomb. A grenade in your car. A razor blade hidden in your soap. Then again in your apple..A streetwalking Cheetah with a heart full of Napalm.

Lost alot of weight recently but muscle tone still very much present..Thank fuck for good white trash mongrel genes..Wiry is not the word. I have the strength-to-weight ratio of a chimpanzee. Actually I'm built more like a Greyhound....And we all know that tortured puppies grow up into vicious dogs........
About to lose my mind and freedom in an explosion of extreme and unprecidented violence.

A Little Help? Please?

I am under genuine Psychic attack.. Can someone furnish me with some good advice regarding protection and or retribution/reflection back on my tormentors or somesuch..?
I really dont deserve this and have done nothing to justify any of it, apart from being a lifelong authenticated weirdo.
I know the drugs and drink have weakened my psychic defenses (and my physical situation), so to speak, but I'm forced to deal with this factor of the situation on an ongoing basis.
With that in mind, can someone help? I can do that crystals and incense stuff up to a point but preferably w/out......? Help?

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Tropical depression

last.. I cannot continue in this fashion, Oh god let this be the last. Please. The last..It will kill me, my tormentors or both..If she knew my criminal history she would NOT do this.. I am under a state of (at worst)constant seige -theyve nearly got the flaming torches out for me- and at best disapprobrium from the vouyeristic creeping dog slime that now constitute my neighbours. I am too fucking old and tired to continue without a serious re-appraisal of tactics. I know what I must do. Just give me the strength I need to make manifest the changes that must come.
If this hit does not kill me..Or cost me a limb.
I really have every right, under natural law to fasten my huge hands around my bitch-cunt tormentors throat and squeeze. And not let go, to have to be prised off her. She has raped my home of what little privacy it had by hanging out of her/their windows upstairs, I suspect using at least a mirror, maybe a small camera.
I don't know exactly how, but she, (along with the bitch across the alley, with whom she has a system of pan beating and whistling -and no doubt mobile phones) to let each other know if I've just got back, got a glass of water for a hit etc etc can see into most of my flat.She lets me know this by commenting through the paper thin sound insulation on whatever it is Im doing.Getting dressed, having a bong,washing my ass -you name it.. What the fuck does the slut think shes going to see? Me takin a hit is about the most dramatic prospect.. She deserves at the very least to be savagely beaten.
I am now going to hide in a corner like a naughty child in order to take a hit. I survive to continue with this. In the firstfive years or so,as long as you were discreet, people used to leave you alone around here in the past. Now they make your business theirs.
They came into this area 15-20 odd years ago in strength with their money and attendant absence of anything approaching soul, original thought, and have turned my home, and place of birth into a soulless fourth-rate Covent Garden.
In the late 70's-early 80's this was SUCH a cool, and truly bohemian place to live..Art,incredible gigs, proper parties, squatting at its best...Its enough to make me weep. My building is now run by a Camorra of greybeard cunt middle class women.

Purely co-incidentally I find myself eating grapes.. The grapes of wrath? Who’s wrath? Mine.. Its one of my favourite of the ten commandments to transgress. If I get the chance, that is. My biggest concern now is doing the filter unobserved…I guarantee this is of no more than 15% Paraphinalia. I swear, I have looked at this rationally. Not easy, I assure you, but I have a good understanding of delusionality and paranoia through long and painful experience.
I get the filter down in a furtive visit to the bog..Didn’t even notice much…Nowhere near enough to justify the amount of blood and groin abuse involved.
Dont even think about getting on my case over typos, Indigo. Please..Now is not the time.Edit it later..Or not..
Still living with the English fear....
Waiting waiting wai..

Monday, July 16, 2007

The world that summer

"There is nothing more beautiful or so alluring than self-deceit. In a World full of dead ends there is little to hold onto. One sees oneself in how one stands in relation to others. That can be a lonely picture. Lies, therefore, dominate. Sedge grows in the fen flourishing in the water burning the blood of everyone who touches it. There is no cure. When all seems lost, something unexpected happens. To taint beyond redemption. The World That Summer".
Douglas P.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Reasons for hating the net..No.44

What I dislike about internet conversations is that any true agility of mind is lost, leaving the road clear for "esprit d'escalier" artists to spend days working on their smart ass responses..Negating an artistry that is a result of half a lifetime of polishing my skills in North London pubs.


For indigo..Be a gent and have the common courtesy to answer my question as to how you arrived at "proofreading"..
Please dont try to play mind games on someone engaged in traversing the screaming wastelands of nervous breakdown

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

All pleasure is relief

Tui's comment pricks my conscience and I feel thus obliged to report again from the grey hinterland of pre-apocalypse Islington..
It occurs to me that Heroin and Cocaine may in fact not produce a "high" (in the classic sense of, say, euphoria)at all, but simply offer an escape of the constant pain of existance..Physical pain, that is, as well as psychological..The pain of occupying what is essentially an unworthy vessel for the human soul. The friction of muscle against bone, the constant pull of gravity on the skeleton, the subtle effects of climatic pressure on the skull..Pain that like the humming of a refrigerator, we are only aware of when it ceases..

Monday, April 16, 2007

Crime and punishment

This happened a few days ago, thought I might as well throw it to the ether, so to speak, as I'm not convinced anyone reads this poorly attended blog at all anymore..

I went out at about 8.30 last week and opened my door only to find in the alley a little hoodie bastard with both the wheels off my mountain bike..
Naturally, I slapped him around a bit, made him put it all back together,. then D-locked his head/neck to a drainpipe while I tested it.
Two D-lockings later, and having been been menaced with pliers and an axe, hoodie was permanently traumatised and my bike was again roadworthy...
Needless to say, by the time I let him go he was sobbing hysterically and pleading for his miserable life....
Now I understand the kicks the old bill get...

Saturday, April 14, 2007

A question..

Is homicidal joy the diametric opposite of suicidal depression?


"I don't know something called International Principles. I vow that I'll burn every Palestinian child (that) will be born in this area. The Palestinian woman and child is more dangerous than the man, because the Palestinian child's existence infers that generations will go on, but the man causes limited danger. I vow that if I was just an Israeli civilian and I met a Palestinian I would burn him and I would make him suffer before killing him. With one hit I've killed 750 Palestinians (in Rafah in 1956). I wanted to encourage my soldiers by raping Arabic girls as the Palestinian women is a slave for Jews, and we do whatever we want to her and nobody tells us what we shall do but we tell others what they shall do."

- Ariel Sharon, current Israeli Prime Minister, In an interview with General Ouze Merham, 1956

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Needle Exchange manifesto

The following pompous and overblown prose is some pr work I did for a freind's band..Remember it's really just a big-up...

A manifesto

NX is;

Essentially a misnomer.Disingenuity. A deliberate act of chicanery.
A question for which no whole answer exists.
Where point meets counterpoint.
A conjunction of Archangel and Antichrist, high the jetstream, soaring above Londons debris.
Chaos and control.
Scars and blushes
A punch and a kiss.
Eros and Thanatos.
Hot tears in cold bedrooms.
Lovers licks and steel toecaps.
The irresistible urge to suck the hand that bleeds.
Where colours, crimson, purple and puce shift in chromatic ballet until dusk turns all to monochrome.
And, in that darkness, surgical steel is run into the centre of your empty heart..

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

For Elizabeth

A long, slender body barely contained by a plastic avocado bathtub. Her nakedness , her long, long, nearly white blonde hair spread in fine soft swirls. Impossibly beautiful.
A dead mermaid.
I loved you once.
Nihil ist...Nihil ist...

Sunday, March 04, 2007

new day rising

About halfway through my kick,(down to 15 migs)and finally emerging from one of the worst depressions of my life.
Saw Nurse With Wound at RFH last night..Magnificent. David Tibet kissed my hand(???), and upon leaving, we witnessed a full lunar eclipse over the river.
Expect this blog to change in the near future.

Saturday, January 27, 2007


I finish the junk and lie down on the bed..The creak of my kitchen door in the draught speaks of "Cain's Book" by Alex Trocchi...I imagine its sound to be the stretching of ropes and the shrinking and expanding of the boards that form the inverted carapace of my tugboats hull, moored in the oily harbours of N.Y.C.
I can see why Sterling Morrison was drawn to that urbane, yet solitary existence.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Barry Adamson Interview

Wires hum and crackle, and with a tubercular wheeze of my worn-out hard drive an email announces that I shall meet with Harry Pendulum (last of the big time swingers), a.k.a. Mr Barry Adamson in a café on Portobello Road.

For those of you with a sickening void in your cultural makeup, allow me to educate you:
hailing from a part of Manchester where people tend to come from, rather than go to, as a child Mr Adamson consumed the diamonds and detritus of post-modern media with alacrity. Comics, TV and film of every genre, Motown, trans-atlantic soul, jazz, glam, and funk formed a dark melange that would in his future work provide many points of reference.

First making his presence felt in the seminal Magazine with Howard Devoto, he moved onwards and upwards with Nick Cave’s newly formed Bad Seeds. Some staggering songs exist from this period, but the demon flower was yet to truly blossom. Leaving the Seeds during the Your Funeral sessions in ‘87, Adamson broke with the “democracy” of band membership and after a bloody coup, set up his own autonomous zone.

By now a multi-instrumentalist, his first solo album, Moss Side Story was a blueprint, a manifesto describing his preoccupation with celluloid. A soundtrack composed for a nonexistent cinema, it served to introduce the film world to Mr A.

The film work followed. First contributing to Derek Jarman’s Last of England, then sound tracking Carl Colpeart’s Delusion and Alison Anders’ Gas, Food and Lodging - among others - and appearing on the soundtracks to Oliver Stone’s Natural Born Killers and David Lynch’s Lost Highway, Adamson set a standard in atmospherics as yet unmatched. Those of you who are labouring under the misapprehension that you are unaware of Mr A’s work will undoubtedly have been unwittingly exposed to it, gracing as it does various commercials and BBC productions.

After a tortuous bomb-scare disrupted pilgrimage/odyssey by way of foot, train and black cab across town I arrive at Portobello, cartoon commas of sweat exploding from every pore. Here I find Mr A: lounge lizard, raconteur, minister of cool, nursing a coffee in a formica’d backwater and get to ask him what, exactly, is the score?

Join me, dear friend, as I walk a while with the king…

BCR: I hear you studied film in New York. What did you specialise in and to what academic level?
BA: It was a summer school. Basically a kind of get away and learn course for people who were interested in all aspects of film. What attracted me to it was that you could go in there, make a couple of little films and also that you could be part of these teams, where you were the camera man, then you were editing someone else… You covered all the basics. It quite an interesting time, it was sort of starry and exciting. We went to this place in Tribeca which is a building owned by Robert Deniro. And you’d see him in various disguises in the lift. You’d sort of go “Alright Robert! How’s it going?” and he’d stop with his beard and hat and glasses on and then stomp off. But you’d get to screen your films in his screening room, which was very exciting. Being a working class kid from up north going in there, sort of dipping your toe in to the world of proper film making. To what level? I’m not really sure. We’ll see how that plays out.
BCR: I was in New York last year, it’s huge and intimidating really…
BA: Yeah, it is, isn’t it? And they can see it on you. You walk around staring up while they’re picking your pockets.
BCR: Did you have a childhood film or television hero you wanted to be or had a thing about?
BA: I did want my own puppet. To be lie a thunderbird. I wanted to be in Captain Scarlet. I used to have a friend who was a bit weirder than me and he actually had a uniform. He went all the way and appeared one day saying “I’ve done it!” and he was out. He had the whole thing. The light bulb on his shoulder and the microphone that came down… I always wanted to be Captain Black but because of my colour I had to identify with lieutenant green who was the nice guy back at base always going “I think it’s going alright, yeah, it’s going alright”. I wanted Captain Black with the dark circles under his eyes who hadn’t slept in about a year going “This is the voice of the Mysterions”…
BCR: Looking through your previous work, there seems to be a process of coming to terms, a personal journey. In evidence, given the stylings of your previous albums, Stranger On The Sofa seems, in comparison, even given it’s moments of introspection, more documentary, more detached and lighter in it’s tone. Does this mean the King of Cool is warming to the world?
BA: Yeah, I think I’ve sort of settled a few of my Demons... wrestling with demons. I think I decided to take them out for a drink. Therefore I’m a lucky lad, I think, because you don’t really get the chance to do that kind of work in music. I think that’s saved for other areas of art, like abstract painting. People go like “That’s a guy with issues” and then they go off. But I made this the genre I wanted to work in and I was able to put things out that for me meant a certain coming to terms with and a certain putting things to sleep. I think Stranger is the beginning of a kind of work that, still, with an ironic eye, I hope, warm to the world.
BCR: Themes of damnation and degradation, redemption and salvation seem to run though your work, you seem to be evidently a spiritual man. What is, if any, your take on religion?
BA: I’m not a religious man at all. I guess I am one of those guys that think religion is for people who are frightened of hell.
BCR: Do you think it’s been the various trial of your life that has made you Oscar De La Soundtrack as opposed to, say, Geoff Love and his orchestra? Nature or nurture?
BA: I’d like to think there’s a bit of Geoff Love in me at the same time. It’s funny you should say that because maybe in a few years I would have definitely said that… I was watching a thing on TV last night about some guy. He trotted out this cliché about “This is what’s made me the man I am and it would have either been jail, or death or the streets”, and I don’t think that’s true of me. I think it would have been this anyway. And I think I probably would have been Geoff Love, you know, “a little bit more in the baritone there love”... you know. I think the stuff that’s happened to me has perhaps coloured my take. But I think there’s a little bit of Geoff love in all of us. The saccharine end of us. But who you are pulls it back into a context. I’m not going to entirely attribute the “hard knock life” or whatever. I do think there’s various things that are going on. Like upbringing and where you were born and what’s around you… I went back to Manchester recently and I was just so taken. I used to think that individualism was this thing and I was really attracted to the way of the people just by being in the same place. It was quite alarming. I noticed that there are millions of these individual characters but they all had this way about them. And it was the way of the place. It’s the only way I can describe it. I took a bus journey and I went through Moss Side and through town and to the posher places but everyone was the same, they all had this way.
BCR: Do you have that way?
BA: No, I walked away from it, 25 years here. And I think that’s changed my way, it’s made it more diverse. You meet people from Manchester or wherever you’re from and you default. I think I defaulted into that way, 'cos that is the way of them.
BCR: I read recently that you intend to make a film. If so, would you be including any of your characterisations? Would Jeeams Bond, Mitch and Andy or Officer Bentley be making an appearance?
BA: I haven’t thought about it up until now because they’re the guys that, you know… I’ve taken for a drink. Down the local and said you know “Do you want to be a part of this”. But what seems to be happening in the films, certainly in the scripts, is that I’m finding a more external view that’s based on an internally formed thing that I’ve gotten used to as a creative process. So now I’m now able to create characters that are not essentially part of my inner world. But they’re keenly observed. But because of my experience I’m going to direct them in a way where I tell them your particular flaw is this which means that in a crisis you’re gonna do this. And that’s going to create a complex that you’ve got to get out and that’s the point of having a film anyway.
BCR: What kind of genre have you been working with?
BA: Well, I guess, psychological terrors are right up there. I’ve been interested to find myself writing scripts that are set in place like London, Berlin, Paris, Sydney. Places where I had quite intense observational experiences. Because you’re removed from who you are slightly when you go to the other side of the world. You watch. You become an observer; the differences stand out more. And I think the story that I’ve written that’s set in London is pretty much 25 years of that and then a history that comes down the line, Hitchcock and Fanzine and that kind of tradition, set in a modern. The British one is in three languages, which I think is appropriate for now. There’s Polish, Nigerian and English.
BCR: What films have you been affected by recently?
BA: Not many, in truth. I want to be. The odd film maker that bursts through, headbuts me from time to time and goes “Look at this” Gaspar Noe mainly. The French seem to be relentless in their passion of getting stuff out.
BCR: The woman’s voice on Here In The Hole, with its blood curdlingly measured tones belongs to actress Anna Chancellor. How did that collaboration occur?
BA: I actually met her on the street here, I sort of bumped into her. I just sort of said how you doing, blah blah blah. She was getting a ticket on her car and I think I persuaded the inspector to not give her a ticket. We sort of joked about her position in life and we got talking. When it’s sore to read a story of subversion who actually is known for being quite traditionally straight. I heard her read something on radio four which was very warming and I thought how would it be to have that voice tell a tale of paranoia and cloning and future past.
BCR: Who is Officer Bentley?
BA: I’m going to answer that question in a non-specific way, because I’m still asking those questions of myself and I don’t understand sometimes when I open the door and start singing the chorus of Officer Bentley, which is what happened. Then I have to work out, or not if you like, what is going on with this. Various things will filter in. Various ideas about what I’m trying to get at will enter my frame. I’ll start to remember things like… When I was at college I met this guy, got friendly with him, he says “do you wanna do something on Saturday?” I’m like, yeah sure. We met at this place and he was dressed in this full American police uniform from head to foot. I’m seventeen years old, and I’m thinking, what the hell is going on here. I didn’t understand it at all. So some of him was in there. And then there’s my own ideas on discipline and then there’s a slightly twisted sexual thing. There’s that world going on. What I think you do with a character like that is offer it out. There’s a million things you can see. I think one of the things that I’ve found, that I’ve started to enjoy now is now, after all this introspection and coming out and going “I don’t know”, I’ll have a problem with it as much as anyone else. Maybe I don’t have to figure it out and have to reveal. Because the truth is I’m not really sure. Even the other day I heard a record and thought, Oh my god!… That is in Officer Bentley, as a reworking of something that I was quite attached to thirty years ago, in a psychedelic way, its come out. I didn’t realise it was happening. This record says more about the world today, what’s happening now.
BCR: Is My Friend The Fly About gear?
BA: well, that’s the beauty of it. I have never even thought about that for a second. The beauty of it is that you can bring your frame of reference and enjoy in it that way, and say like, I see what’s going on.
BCR: What inspired Whispering Streets?
BA: You’re very clever, you’re very perceptive. It’s actually a letter to the parents of Stephen Lawrence. I’ve never revealed that, and I was gonna reveal it at the Jazz café, but I turned around to the Man and said, we’re not doing Whispering Streets. I don’t know why, but it was my response to the murder of Stephen Lawrence. And I’m not a political man, so I thought to play political would sort of fuck up my fans. “All the lines feed into the idea” and “after I’ve taken revenge I’m the person who walks around with either their head high or hanging”. It has more of a belt to it once you know what it is.
BCR: People whose bodies contain metal implants have often made claims for its telemetric receptivity; the people who (apocryphally) receive radio broadcasts through their fillings for example.
Shostakovitch, who received a nd retained some Krupps steel in the form of shrapnel to his head in ww2 insisted that this was where he received the transmissions that inspired his work. Could you be receiving transmissions to the heart of the pelvis?
BA: That’s very probable actually, very good, well… If I’m not I’m certainly going to blame it all on that from now on. The Six Million-Dollar Shostakovitch Man. It’s very possible. I kinda knew I was going there with that song Set The Controls and now here I am, years later with my middle being made of well....
BCR: The Motorlab stuff… are you intending to do anything along those lines again?
BA: I’m always on the lookout, I guess, my ears are open. It’s not something I do in my every day creativity so I really like it when something enters your mind, this other vista of possibilities. And I also like stuff that I can’t necessarily do myself. I become an excited kid, about the creation thing. Watching Pansonic work, I’m all like quietly myself “Whoaa, that’s amazing…” You know! There’s a few people I won’t mention right now, it’s on the horizon…
BCR: Was this done by sending stuff between studios or did you just sit down with these boys?
BA: Yeah we did, we got together with Pansonic in Iceland and the Haflers remixed it. That was obviously a sending thing.
BCR: Finally, do you have a special plan for this world?
BA: Well, it’s the Central Control Manifesto, flood the world with beautiful creation. ‘Cos I’m that kinda guy… I kept thinking back to the days of punk where you didn’t have a barrier which was like I wanna make this stuff but until I get this amount of money or this company finds me I won’t be able to do. So what happened with me, my own journey, was about going to a shop, buying a coupla strings for my Bass, seeing an advert in a magazine, calling it and getting into it. The same with doing my own stuff now, making Moss Side Story as a calling card to film makers saying I can score films. I am very motivated and I know alot of people where it’s very difficult to get past this thing that’s sort of goes to be a writer you have to have this agent, this publicist, you have to have written ten best-sellers already and then to suggest to someone I really like the way you write, why don’t you write a novel? And they go to what extent? and you go, I’ll publish it and I’ll go off and find out how you publish stuff. I don’t know what part of me that comes from but it’s just become a very enjoyable part of what’s going on.
BCR: Alot of people need to be nudged
BA: You get nudged enough and it spurs you and then you become a nudger.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Jan 06

Rain and methadone.